If you want your website to rank high on Google, you must stop making these mistakes:
1. No proper keyword research. Keyword research is the most important process of SEO. You need to spend time and effort to conduct a thorough keyword research. The purpose of keyword research is to identify the key phrases and words that your prospects will be searching for. You should not choose to optimize keywords that are too generic. Generic keywords are extremely competitive and it is very hard for you to achieve high rankings for them in a short period of time. If you target the wrong keywords, your SEO effort will go down to the drains.
2. Keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is considered an unethical technique of SEO. Keyword stuffing occurs when the web page is loaded with too many keywords in the META information and content. When search engines feel that you stuff too many keywords on your website, they will not award your web pages with high rankings. When you write your copy, you should always write for human, not search engines. Yes, it is important to place keywords in the content but don’t overdo it.
3. Keywords are missing in important HTML tags. You need to place keywords in Title, Meta, H1 and ALT tags. Search engines look at these tags to determine what your web pages are about. So if there is no keyword to describe your web pages, it is every hard for you to rank them well. The Title tag is the most important tag. Many companies place only their company names in the Title of their websites – they are wasting the chance to rank well on search engines.
4. Stop building links once results are achieved. Link building is not a one-time project. It is a continuous process to keep your SEO campaign successful. Every day, there are new optimized websites that are competing search engine result positions with you. When you stop building links, you lose the competitive edge. So after you see some initial results, you should continue to build more links. Some effective link building strategies are article marketing, blog commenting, forum marketing, directory submission and social book marking.
Hope that after reading this article, you will not make these deadly SEO mistakes. SEO is the bed rock of internet marketing. If you do it good, you can definitely count on SEO to get you business.
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