We often feel that it has become so easy for us to access complicated things in just a couple of seconds. With the upcoming of online business we can process so many transactions in just a few minutes through a click of simple mouse. Sit back easily and you will find all things done without any waiting. Well! This is all because of the great master minds working day in and out to come up with the latest software technologies. Team of professionals work together as a Software development team to form different kinds of software and make things simpler for us.
Software development can be defined as a process through which a particular software product is developed. The entire process followed to come up with the desired software can also be termed as the software life cycle. There are certain basic steps that are followed for any software development and after summarizing these steps we have come up with the given below steps to make you aware about the software development process.
ANALYSIS: Analyze the software, what kind of technology is it? Is the software similar to the one before or a new application has been added to it. Look for the requirements and try to understand the concept. The scope of the software from futuristic point should also be stated and this is referred as scope document.
DESIGNING: This step looks into the architectural representation of the software. The layout of the software is well defined and this architectural representation makes sure that the software is successful in meeting requirements of product and further ensuring the futuristic requirements.
IMPLEMENTATION: This is the doing phase where talented software engineers come into the limelight. These professionals start programming the code.
TESTING: The most important phase where quality check of the software development takes place in order to ensure that the bugs are catched at the earliest and debug them.
DEPLOYMENT: Once the code is tested it is brought into use or released.
MAINTANENCE: Looking after the software is very important as sometimes unwanted issues may arise. Make sure in this phase that the software is functioning well or otherwise fix the issues or requirements.
So going through the basic model of software development [http://www.rupizmedia.com/software-development] one can make out the amount of hardwork it requires. With the growth of IT industry the niche of software development will surely touch the sky soon!
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