If you intend to become a successful computer programmer, or even if you wish to learn computer programming, here is some of the popular programming languages that are most demanded in the market and can fulfill all kinds of programming problems.
The basic C
C language is considered the basis of high level programming. Designed by Dennis Ritchie in 1969, C is a portable programming language. The programmer manages the memory himself in C using pointers concept and dynamic memory allocation functions. It is very fast and easy to learn.
System programming with C++
In 1981, Bjarne Stroutstup added some object features to the C language and it was known as C++. It uses the concept of classes and objects allowing reusability of code easily. Memory management is done by the programmer as in C using pointers and functions. The different classes in a program can inherit the properties of other classes as well. It is the best tool when system programming is considered.
.NET supported C# language
Microsoft designed a new language from popular programming language C++ to supports its new platform,.NET platform. It was called C# or C sharp. The features included properties from many languages including Java. The language can be embedded in HTML codes and the pages developed are usually called ASP, active server pages. It uses a common language runtime library. It is an easier language as compared to C++ and all C++ codes can be easily converted to C# code.
PHP – the web page builder
PHP is a free tool to build web pages. It was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf in around 1995. PHP stands for Personal Home Pages. It is an open source programming language and is an object oriented language. It is written in the form of scripts and embedded in HTML pages and runs server side. It can be easily connected to database software like My SQL and can be used to manage large data.
Develop applications with Java
Java is a popular programming language developed by Sun in 1995. It is a complete object oriented programming language and can be used on any platform. It is widely used in web applications and can be embedded with HTML pages. It removes many of the drawbacks of C++ and introduces many new concepts like data hiding, abstraction, inheritance, etc. The Java programs are comparatively slower than C++ programs but the list of features and security in Java overtakes this drawback. It can be easily connected to databases using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
Make dynamic WebPages using JavaScript
Developed by Netscape, JavaScript is a popular programming language used to add dynamic property to the HTML pages. It is a scripting language usually embedded in HTML codes. It supports all the properties of Java and is complete object oriented. It is used for client side processing and creates graphical interfaces for your web applications. It can also be used for programming the XML based graphical user interface. XML is another popular programming language used for database management.
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