No matter if you are a website owner or internet marketing professional it is important to work with Google and from time to time you will need to get Google to crawl yours or you clients website ASAP. This could be for many reasons, one being that your client has changed their domain name or you are launching a new or improved website.
This simple document will show you how to get Google crawl your website in less than 24 hours, a great SEO top tip.
Step 1: Create a Google Site Map Account
Follow the following link and follow directions within. (
Step 2: Create Sitemap
Create XML Sitemap not TXT as XML is the preferred format.
Use the following site to create sitemap, go to the below website type in your domain and it will automatically spider your site and create a Google Site Map. (Go to Google Site Maps)
Step 3: Upload Sit Map File To Web Page
Once created XML Sitemap upload to website via FTP or Cpanel from hosting account.
Step 4: Tell Google
Tell Google about Sitemap. Log In to Google site map account and add the URL of the Site Map.
Step 5: Check Back
Check back a few hours later to make sure it uploaded correctly (
Step 6: Free Google website test
After Google has read Sitemap and crawled, should be 12 – 24 hours you will see a verify link next to the Sitemap name. Click the link and Google will instruct you to create a blank file and place it on your Web Page, Once this has been completed Google will advise of any problems when crawling the website.
If you like this information and would like to see more or talk to us further regarding what we can do for you and your company then please visit SEO Milton Keynes
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