With a little bit of effort you can manage your website, SEO tools, and pay-per-click tools, and literally generate as many targeted, pre-qualified sales leads as you want for your website.
But be warned… If you want to experience consistent ranking success, you cannot afford to just ‘leave it to chance’ cross your fingers and just hope for the best.
There are some basic Search Engine Optimization methods that you can implement on your website to increase your popularity in search engines.
Here Are Three Simple Tips That Can Help You Website to Get More Search Engine Traffic
1 META TAGS REALLY DO MATTER! Meta tags are essential when creating web pages. The various search engine spiders ‘crawl’ the Internet and will only index your web pages in their listings if your:
– – Title
– – Description
– – And Keywords are ‘search engine friendly’
So, let’s look how to make sure they are…
– – Your Title tag should reflect your main keyword phrase and not be more than 60 characters.
– – Your Description Tag should also include your main keyword phrase and have a maximum of 150 characters. Remember a human being will read your description tag so try and include a reason for them to visit your site.
– – Your Keyword Tag should have a maximum of 874 characters and your keywords should relate to the text in your body copy.
NOTE: Don’t place HUNDREDS of keywords in your keyword tag. This is known as ‘keyword spamming’ and can get your site delisted faster than you can say spam.
2 LINKS! The more incoming links you have to your website, the better – especially if those links come from websites with a PR (Page Rank) of 4 or above.
The major search engines, including Google, MSN and Yahoo will rank your site higher in their listings depending on the amount of ‘quality’ incoming links you have from other sites.
On top of the search engine rankings, you will also receive extra direct from the various sites you are linked with. If you get a prominent link from a popular site it can results in literally thousands of extra visitors a month.
Easy Ways to Get More Incoming Links:
1) Write keyword focused articles about your niche market and submit them to various article directories.
2) Use quality automated software to help you request reciprocal links from other webmasters.
3) Get a few eBooks written or decent software created at RentACoder.com or Elance.com and then USE THE TELEPHONE and Call Other Webmasters in Your Niche. Offer to let them have the Reprint Rights to the EBooks or software IF they place a permanent one-way link from their site to yours.
NOTE: Virtually no one does this! In my early days on the Internet I wrote a 12 page report and got literally THOUSANDS of dollars in advertising in return for offering webmasters and Ezine publishers the reprint rights to it.
3. DIRECTORY & SEARCH ENGINE SUBMISSIONS: You should submit your website to directories like dmoz and search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo.
There are more than one thousand search engines and directories other than the major 3 search engines (Yahoo, MSN and Google).
By getting listed in other search engines and directories you will be getting more links to your website and increasing your link popularity.
The key to making all of this work in your business is to ‘do something every day’.
In time, your site will get more and more visitors and if your sales copy is ok, you’ll make more and more sales.
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