Have you asked yourself “How do I install under cabinet lighting?” It’s a lot easier than you might think. Just take a trip to a home improvement store and you’ll find a plethora of under cabinet lighting options. Under cabinet lights have come a long way from the hardwired custom built units of a few years ago. Today you can find small compact xenon lights that just tack into place and plug into a wall outlet.
The great thing about the under cabinet lighting kits is you can fit kits to expand the number of lights on a circuit to fit any sized cabinet. All you have to do is add more lights to the string. Since the xenon lights are low voltage you’ll run out of cabinet before you reach the electrical capacity of the wall socket.
Measure out how many lights you need. You want to shoot for about a 2 foot space between lights.
Next measure the depth of the cabinets as you will want to center the lights.
To keep the lights from wandering during the install use a straight edge and mark the centerline of the cabinet with a pencil. At the same time you can mark out exactly where the lights will be placed.
Grab a hammer and some nails. Be sure you’re using a nail that won’t poke through into the cabinet. A few taps of the hammer is all it takes and your lighting bases are up in no time.
Now it’s time to run the wire between the lights. Some of the easier kits will let you just run the cable between each light in series. They have a small blade built in that will cut into the wire completing the circuit.
After the last light continue running the cable back to the wall socket. Use a staple gun to tack up the cable and prevent drooping.
You want to staple the cable as far back towards the wall as possible so you have a nice clean line running down to the outlet.
Now it’s time to make up the electrical plug. Wire up the hot, neutral, and ground wires then screw the plug together.
Now you can go back and snap in the light covers on all the lights.
Next install the xenon bulbs. Be careful not to touch the bulbs with your bare hands. Your skin oil can damage the bulbs. Use a paper towel instead when holding the bulb.
Now place the lens cover over the lights.
Staple up any of the wires that are sagging, you’re shooting for nice clean lines that aren’t visible when looking directly at the cabinet.
Plug in the lights and turn on the switch. Hopefully everything turns on! If not check each bulb for proper seating.
All that’s left is clean up of any construction trash and to put up your tools.
When asking “How do I install under cabinet lighting?” Just keep a few things in mind. The kits are easy to use. They come with great direction and once finished you’ll have a great set of lights that will set off any counter top.
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