February 13, 2025


Technology and Computer

How To Kill A Website

There are various ways to kill a website just like there are various ways to skin a cat. It is basically easy, the first thing you need to do is get up enough courage to do it, which, I believe is not very easy. The faint of heart could never do such a thing that is why they end up in the gutter. They do not know enough. Nah, more likely, they do not have enough courage.

Your first kill is exhilarating, it would be like an addiction, you will always be craving for more. Sack the morality issue, the name of the game is SURVIVAL. The online world is cruel, its a jungle out there! All kinds of crime abound in the online world, from simple theft, to house breaks, and ultimately murder. Nobody gets caught because the culprits know how to cover their tracks, they are experts and proud of it.

Here are some of the things that you can do to kill YOUR website:

1. Subscribe to Link Farms and web rings, submit your site to free for all websites, link to banned websites. A decent SEO Analyst knows that linking to bad sites like link farms, web rings and free for all website is very bad and could literally mean death for your website. So there you have it, one very easy way to kill a website.

2. Give away one-way outward links. You are feeling generous, with a PageRank of 8 why wouldn’t you be? So you shout out to the whole online world that you are giving free for all one-way outward links with no “nofollow”. As the news leaks out, hundreds and maybe thousands will go to you asking for links, go on give them links, show them how generous you are. Death by hemorrhage, sure death. Before you know it, you will be needing a transfusion with all the PageRank hemorrhaging you’re doing. Will you go with a transfusion? Nope, just give it all away and before you know it, another website dead.

3. Do not update, do not submit, do nothing. Let your website be, let it be a sitting duck, just another website. It is a slow process, the first thing that you’ll lose is your visitors, next your ranking, before you know it, you will be no one, a non-entity. It might not be death but its a fate worst than death itself.

There you go, folks, three certified ways of killing your website. It does not matter if you have spent countless sleepless nights thinking about what to write nor spent hundreds and even thousands of dollars in hosting and advertising, its your money to burn. If you want to go on a killing spree, go on make more websites, optimize them, spend money on them and then kill them.

For those who love their websites, take care of them and never do any of the above.